If imagination and innovation are deep characteristics of your business, then you are a Creator brand archetype.
Expression plays a big part of your business, whether it’s a driving need, a strategic way to deliver information, or a device that brings people together. As the Creator archetype, your business embraces the creative process and encourages constant innovation. With all this unbounded thought, Creator archetype businesses also bring together intelligent people who value quality.
Creator archetype businesses are those that want to turn abstractions, visions and dreams into reality. Their goal is to better understand or improve our world.
The Creator archetypal family has five personas, and while they share a passion for seeing a different—or better—way, they also have big differences.
How? While the Creator archetype itself, one of the twelve core archetypes in the full group of sixty, creates to not only find meaning in life, but to make meaning, the other personas in the family use their creativity for different reasons. What, then, do the other personas represent?
The Other Archetypes in the Creator Family…
As facets of the Creator, these archetypes exemplify varying ranges of expression, and they have different reasons to give form to their imagination.
The Artist is playfully curious, with a passion for expression and a need to create.
With a drive to physically express “creation” that moves people, the Artist turns the ordinary into the extraordinary, seeing the beauty in everything.
Crayola as the Artist.
Crayola says their purpose is to help parents and educators raise creatively-alive kids. They believe that “before children can learn to think for themselves, they must first be free to express what they’re thinking. We believe in unleashing, nurturing, and celebrating the colorful originality in every child.” Crayola creates products that “give colorful wings to the invisible things that grow in the hearts and minds of children. We offer colors that inspire and tools that transform original thoughts into visible form.” And that, friends, is the essence of the Artist archetype.
The Entrepreneur is the innovative dreamer that confidently makes things happen.
This archetype is not afraid of challenges, thrives on the adrenaline of “taking the risk,” and turns ambition into action.
Fast Company as the Entrepreneur.
Fast Company started out as a magazine that, in part, showcased individuals and companies who were inventing the future and reinventing business. Today, as the world’s leading business media brand, Fast Company is written for and about the most progressive business leaders, “inspiring readers to think expansively, lead with purpose, embrace change, and shape the future of business.” This company, Fast Company, embraces the confident and bold entrepreneurial spirit.
The Storyteller is the bridge, the charismatic who brings people together, connecting them to shared experiences.
This archetype is able to impart information and insight—sometimes dramatically—which can allow difficult topics to be explored or powerful emotions to be shared.
MasterClass as the Storyteller.
MasterClass is exactly what it sounds like: classes taught by masters of their craft. As a streaming platform, MasterClass makes it possible for anyone to watch or listen to hundreds of video lessons taught by more than 180 of the world’s best… Storytellers. Whether you call them masters or leaders or experts or influencers or teachers, they are all telling their stories. They are sharing their wisdom and knowledge about business and leadership, photography, cooking, writing, acting, music, sports and more, allowing MasterClass to deliver a world class online learning experience. As the Storyteller archetype, they are helping people learn practical skills, ignite new passions, and access everyday wisdom.
The Visionary has great imagination, insight and boldness, and uses this “gift” to benefit the greater good.
This archetype is a strategist who is able to imagine the promise and potential of a society that makes enlightened decisions.
Herman Miller as the Visionary.
The iconic Eames lounge chair? What about the Aeron chair? Herman Miller, a 100-year-old-plus company, is a recognized innovator in contemporary interior furnishings, solutions for healthcare environments, and related technologies and services. They say that at Herman Miller, “our creative approach to solving problems not only makes our designs better, but it also helps us leave the world a little better than we found it.” Their purpose? “Design for the good of humankind.” If that’s not a Visionary brand, we don’t know what is.
Is your brand a Creator? The way you inspire and innovate—and why—determines what kind of Creator you are.
We hope you were intrigued by this discussion of the Creator archetypal family and the important nuances among the personas.
👉 Dive into archetypes and how to use them to empower your brand.
Ready to explore your brand archetypes and understand how to use them to build your business?
Red Chalk would love to chat! Schedule a consultation and let’s put the power of brand archetypes to work creating a desirable brand.
If you want to explore the world of archetypes and how they are used in brand management, we highly recommend the book Archetypes in Branding: A Toolkit for Creatives and Strategists, written by Margaret Hartwell and Joshua C. Chen.